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FAQ about Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank

Q: What is a Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank?

A Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank is a high-speed mixer used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries to create homogeneous mixtures and emulsions. It combines the functions of mixing, emulsifying, homogenizing, heating, and vacuuming in one machine.

Q: What are the advantages of using a Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank?

Some advantages of using this equipment include achieving a fine and stable emulsion, reducing processing time, improving product quality, and increasing efficiency in the production process. The hydraulic lift feature also allows for easy access and cleaning of the tank.

Q: How does a Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank work?

The machine consists of a high-speed rotor and a stator that create a strong mechanical shear force to break down particles and create a smooth emulsion. The heating function allows for temperature control during mixing, while the vacuum system helps to remove air bubbles and create a more stable product.

Q: What types of products can be processed with a Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank?

This equipment is versatile and can be used to process a wide range of products, including creams, lotions, gels, ointments, and various emulsions in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It can also be used for food applications such as sauces, dressings, and mayonnaise.

Q: Is maintenance required for a Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank?

Regular maintenance and cleaning are recommended to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of the machine. It is important to follow the manufacturer\’s guidelines for maintenance and cleaning procedures to prevent contamination and ensure product quality.


This Hydraulic Lift Vacuum Homogenizer Heating Emulsifier Mixing Tank is perfect for creating smooth and uniform emulsions. With its powerful heating and mixing capabilities, it ensures thorough blending of ingredients. Don\’t miss out on this essential tool for your manufacturing needs – purchase yours today!



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我们了解每个混合罐都是不同的。因此,我们为您量身定制搅拌罐,确保搅拌罐最适合您的产品和工艺。 我们可以为您的油箱提供以下选项:

  1. 可耕地
  2. 完全集成的控制面板
  3. 加热和/或冷却
  4. 煽动者
  5. 负载单元
  6. 电平开关
  7. 清洁选项
  8. 撬装式



  • 门式搅拌器
  • 锚式搅拌器
  • 刮板搅拌器
  • 螺旋桨搅拌器
  • 底部驱动搅拌器
  • 分散盘
  • 转子/定子
  • 螺旋搅拌器
  • 搅拌器组合
  • 高剪切混合器
  • 涡轮混合器
  • 侧入式搅拌器
  • 静态混合器
  • 外置均质机

1、带螺旋桨叶轮的底部磁力搅拌器,转速为 50-400rpm 或 50-800rpm。这种搅拌器适用于搅拌粘度较低的液体,如眼药水、注射液、CIP 液体、水等。

2、顶部机械搅拌器,带螺旋桨叶轮,转速固定为 71rpm 或可调 20-200rpm 或特殊要求。这种搅拌器可搅拌糖浆、注射液、血液、口服液、培养基等。

3、顶部机械搅拌器,配有锚式或框式叶轮,转速为 10-70rpm 。用于搅拌粘度较高的液体,如沉淀物或粘度较大的口服液等。

4、顶部乳化均质机,小容器最高转速 2900rpm,大罐最高转速 1480rpm。这种搅拌器适用于大多数高粘度的混合,如悬浮液、油、脂肪乳化等。

5、底部乳化均质机,小容器最高转速 2900rpm,大罐最高转速 1480rpm。这种搅拌器适用于大多数高粘度的混合,如悬浮液、油、脂肪乳化等。





  1. 化妆品行业: 护肤霜、剃须膏、洗发水、牙膏、冷霜、防晒霜、洁面乳、营养密、洗涤剂、洗发水、护发乳、护发素、精华素、保湿霜、护手霜等。
  2. 日用化学品: 生产洗衣粉、洗手液、洁厕剂、汽车玻璃水等。
  3. 制药业: 胶乳、乳剂、软膏(膏药)、口服糖浆、口服液等。
  4. 食品工业: 酱、奶酪、营养液、婴儿食品、巧克力、糖等。
  5. 化学液体: 杀虫剂、润滑剂、切削液、粘合剂、车用尿素玻璃防水涂料、水溶性肥料等。
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