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FAQ about Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L

1. What is a Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L?

The Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L is a specialized tank designed for mixing and storing chemicals, with a capacity of 1000 liters. It features a heated jacket to maintain the temperature of the chemicals and a stirring mechanism to ensure proper mixing.

2. What are the benefits of using a Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L?

Using this tank ensures that your chemicals are stored at the optimal temperature for maximum effectiveness. The stirring mechanism helps to prevent sedimentation and ensure uniform mixing, leading to better results in your chemical processes.

3. Is it safe to use a Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L?

Yes, this tank is designed with safety in mind. It is made from high-quality materials that are suitable for storing chemicals, and the heating jacket is equipped with temperature controls to prevent overheating. Additionally, the tank is equipped with safety features such as pressure relief valves to prevent excess pressure buildup.

4. Can I customize the Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L?

Yes, many manufacturers offer customization options for this tank, such as different types of agitators, insulation materials, and controls. You can work with the manufacturer to create a tank that meets your specific requirements and preferences.

5. How do I maintain a Heated Jacket Stirring Mixing Chemical Buffer Tank 1000L?

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and performance of your tank. This includes cleaning the tank regularly, checking for signs of wear or damage, and calibrating the temperature and stirring controls periodically. It is also important to follow the manufacturer\’s maintenance recommendations to ensure optimal performance.

1000 公升化學品緩衝罐,配備攪拌混合用加熱外殼

Keep your chemicals at the perfect temperature with our 1000L heated jacket stirring mixing tank. This tank is designed to efficiently mix and store buffer solutions for your chemical processes. Don\’t let temperature fluctuations ruin your experiments – invest in our high-quality tank today! Purchase now and elevate your chemical processing to the next level.



客製化 50L- 30,000L 攪拌桶,22 年經驗。合理的價格和最佳的服務,CE 認證產品。請與我們聯繫。


我們了解每個攪拌桶都是不同的。因此,我們為您量身訂做攪拌桶,讓您可以確定攪拌桶最適合您的產品和製程。 我們可以在您的油箱中加入以下選項:

  1. 可耕作
  2. 完全整合的控制面板
  3. 加熱和/或冷卻
  4. 攪拌器
  5. 負載電池
  6. 電平開關
  7. 清潔選項
  8. 橇裝式



  • 澆口攪拌器
  • 錨式攪拌器
  • 刮板攪拌器
  • 螺旋槳攪拌器
  • 底部驅動攪拌器
  • 分散盤
  • 轉子/定子
  • 螺旋攪拌器
  • 攪拌器組合
  • 高剪切混合器
  • 渦輪混合器
  • 側入式攪拌器
  • 靜態混合器
  • 外置均質器

1、底部磁力攪拌器,配備螺旋槳葉輪,轉速由 50-400rpm 或 50-800rpm。此種攪拌器適用於攪拌黏度較薄的液體,如眼藥水、注射液、CIP 液體、水等。


3、頂置式機械攪拌器,採用錨式或框式葉輪,轉速 10-70rpm 。適用於攪拌較高黏度之物質,如沉澱物或黏度較高之口服液等。

4、頂級乳化均質機,小容器最高轉速 2900rpm,大罐最高轉速 1480rpm。此種攪拌器最適用於高黏度的攪拌,例如懸浮液、油脂乳化等。

5、底部乳化均質機,小容器最高轉速 2900rpm,大罐最高轉速 1480rpm。此種攪拌器最適用於高黏度的攪拌,例如懸浮液、油脂乳化等。





  1. 化妝品產業: 護膚霜、刮鬍膏、洗髮精、牙膏、冷霜、冷曬霜、潔面乳、營養濃縮劑、清潔劑、洗髮精、髮霜、護髮素、精華素、保濕霜、護手霜等。
  2. 日用化學品: 洗衣液生產、洗手液、廁所清潔劑、汽車玻璃水等。
  3. 製藥業: 乳膠、乳液、軟膏(藥膏)、口服糖漿、口服液等。
  4. 食品工業: 醬汁、乳酪、營養液、嬰兒食品、巧克力、糖等。
  5. 化學液體: 殺蟲劑、潤滑劑、切削液、黏合劑、車用尿素玻璃防水塗料、水溶性肥料等。
50L 加熱混合罐
50L 加熱混合罐
100 公升攪拌桶 (含底部乳化機及葉片泵)
100 公升攪拌桶 (含底部乳化機及葉片泵)
200 公升單層攪拌罐(附有輪子
200 公升單層攪拌罐(附有輪子
200L 三層電加熱攪拌槽
200L 三層電加熱攪拌槽
500 公升高剪切攪拌桶,配備葉片幫浦
300L 均質泵混合罐
300L 均質泵混合罐


在遙遠的字山之後、遠離 Vokalia 和 Consonantia 兩個國家的地方,住著盲人的文字。